Pylon Signs: A Business Owner’s Guide

March 21, 2024

Pylon Signs: A Business Owner’s Guide

Drivers speed by, focused on the road ahead.

Your business, set back from the bustling highway or nestled among towering competitors, struggles to catch their eye.

In a landscape dominated by movement and distraction, your visibility is not just an asset—it’s essential to your business’s success.

You need more than just a sign; you need a towering beacon that proclaims your presence from afar.

You need a pylon sign.

Pylon signs are tall, freestanding structures that prominently display your business’s name and logo, often elevated high above the ground on one or more poles.

To determine if a pylon sign is right for your business, keep reading.

Pylon Signs A-Z

  1. What Are Pylon Signs?
  2. Benefits of a Pylon Sign

What Are Pylon Signs?

Pylon signs are tall, freestanding structures that prominently display your business’s name and logo, often elevated high above the ground on one or more poles.

Unlike monument signs that stay close to the ground, pylon signs reach for the skies, making them visible from significant distances, even over obstacles like trees or other buildings.

Their height and prominence make them particularly effective for businesses located near highways or large roads where high-speed traffic requires long-range visibility.

The Types

Understanding the variety of pylon signs can help you choose the best fit for your brand and location.

Here’s a breakdown of the types of pylon signs and what they are best for…

Single-Pole Mounted Pylon Signs

These signs are mounted on a single, sturdy pole, offering a sleek and minimalist appearance. The sign itself can vary in size and shape, but the single-pole design is known for its simplicity and effectiveness in elevating your message.

Best For: Businesses looking for a cost-effective yet prominent signage solution. Ideal for areas with clear visibility and for brands that prefer a straightforward, modern aesthetic.

A tall pylon business sign made by HES, with lighting at night time.  A tall pylon business sign made by HES, placed in front of a business place.

Twin-Pole Mounted Pylon Signs

Similar to their single-pole counterparts but with the added stability and support of a second pole. This design allows for larger and heavier sign faces, providing more space for branding and information.

Best For: Larger establishments or those requiring a more substantial signage presence. Twin-pole designs are especially suited for windy locations, where additional support is crucial.


Covered Pole Pylon Signs

These signs feature poles encased in decorative covers, which can be designed to match your brand’s aesthetics or the architectural elements of your building. The covers can range from acrylic to metal or stone.

The covers not only enhance the sign’s appearance but also protect the pole from the elements.

Best For: Businesses seeking a blend of functionality and design flair. Particularly suitable for companies aiming to maintain a specific architectural style or theme throughout their premises.

  A pylon sign made by HES signs, fitted with various business signs, placed on a brick foundation.

Illuminated Pylon Signs

These signs are equipped with internal or external lighting, ensuring your brand is visible and impactful, day or night. Lighting options include LED, neon, and fluorescent, each offering different aesthetic and efficiency benefits.

Best For: Any business looking to maximize its visibility after dark. Particularly effective for businesses open in the evening or located in areas where night-time visibility is critical.

A pylon restaurant business sign made by HES signs, placed next to a parking lot.  

LED Message Centers

Incorporating digital technology, LED message centers offer dynamic content capabilities, allowing you to display changing messages, advertisements, or information. These signs can be standalone or integrated into a pylon sign for added functionality.

Best For: Businesses that frequently update their messaging or have multiple promotions running concurrently. Ideal for locations with high traffic, where capturing the attention of passersby with fresh content is key.


The Cost

Investing in a pylon sign can be a significant but worthwhile expenditure, with prices ranging widely from $5,000 to $100,000+.

The cost is influenced by factors such as height, design complexity, materials, and whether it includes digital displays or intricate lighting.

While the initial outlay might seem steep, the unmatched visibility and branding impact offers a considerable return over time.

The Fabrication

At the heart of a great pylon sign is expert craftsmanship.

Fabrication involves a detailed process from design conceptualization to the final touches of painting and lighting.

Materials like steel, aluminum, and durable plastics ensure longevity, while state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques like laser cutting and digital printing bring your brand to life in monumental form.

The Installation

Installing a pylon sign is a high-stakes operation, often requiring cranes and specialized equipment to hoist your brand into the skies securely.

Our experienced installation teams are equipped to handle all aspects of the process, ensuring your sign is positioned for maximum visibility and impact with minimal disruption to your business operations.

These crews use our 22-piece fleet to complete your project, including three cranes, eight bucket trucks, seven pick-up trucks, two flat deck trailers, one dump trailer, and one skid steer.

The Maintenance

Thanks to their robust construction, pylon signs require minimal maintenance.

Routine inspections, cleaning, and occasional bulb replacements (for illuminated signs) will keep your beacon shining bright.

Should any issues arise, we and our in-house YESCO team will be on hand to provide expert maintenance and repair services.

Benefits of a Pylon Sign

Pylon signs offer unparalleled advantages for businesses looking to make a substantial impact with…

  • Visibility: Elevate your brand literally and figuratively, catching eyes from afar and drawing in customers who might otherwise miss your location.
  • Customization: From size and shape to color and lighting, pylon signs can be fully tailored to embody your brand’s unique identity.
  • Durability: Designed to withstand the elements, these signs are a long-lasting investment in your business’s visibility and branding.

Pylon Signs are best for businesses…

  • Located near highways
  • In areas with high traffic volumes.

Retail centers, hotels, gas stations, and restaurants are among the top beneficiaries, leveraging the sign’s prominence to draw in customers.

When selecting a pylon sign, consider your business’s…

  • Location
  • Branding needs
  • Local zoning laws

The sign should be tall enough to be seen over any obstructions and reflective of your brand’s image.

Lighting, digital displays, and design complexity are also key considerations.

Making Your Mark with the Right Signage Partner

In the quest to elevate your brand above the rest, choosing the right signage partner is more than extremely important.

With expertise in design, fabrication, and installation, HES Sign is committed to turning your vision into a towering reality.

Ready to make a lasting impression with a pylon sign?

Contact us today for a consultation.


What are the key benefits of choosing a pylon sign for my business?

  • Visibility: Pylon signs ensure your brand can be seen from a distance, even over obstructions.
  • Customization: Offers the flexibility to design a sign that truly represents your brand.
  • Durability: Built to withstand various weather conditions, providing a long-term signage solution.

Can digital elements be incorporated into any type of pylon sign?

Yes, digital displays can be integrated into most pylon sign types, offering the flexibility to change your message or advertise specials without physically altering the sign.

LED message centers, for instance, are a popular choice for businesses looking to add dynamic content to their pylon signs. However, incorporating digital elements will affect the overall cost and maintenance requirements of the sign.

How do I determine the right type of pylon sign for my business?

  • Location and Visibility Needs: How visible do you need your sign to be and from what distance?
  • Brand Image: What message do you want to convey through your sign’s design?
  • Budget Constraints: Determine your budget for both initial investment and long-term maintenance.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure the sign meets local zoning laws and height restrictions.

How do I maintain my pylon sign and ensure its longevity?

Pylon signs are designed for durability and require minimal maintenance.

Routine maintenance includes inspecting the sign for any structural damage, ensuring that illuminated elements are fully operational, and cleaning the sign face to maintain its visibility and. appearance.

For digital pylon signs, software updates and occasional technical troubleshooting may be required.

Partnering with a reputable sign maintenance provider can help address any issues promptly and keep your sign in optimal condition.

Chad Eyler

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