Business Sign Repairs & Maintenance: What You Should Know

March 21, 2024

Business Sign Repairs & Maintenance: What You Should Know

Your sign’s flickering.

Instead of attracting the interest of potential customers, it’s detracting from your sign’s clarity and diminishing your business’s perceived value.

You need it fixed, and you need it fixed fast.

Lighting issues are among the most common sign repairs, along with weather damage, structural integrity issues, peeling paint or graphics, and vandalism.

Keep reading to discover other common repairs and how routine maintenance can help.

What you’ll find below…

  1. Common Outdoor Signage Repairs
  2. Maintenance Requirements by Sign Type
  3. Benefits of Proactive Maintenance
  4. What to do in a Signage Emergency

Common Outdoor Signage Repairs

In the dynamic world of business, your outdoor signage acts as more than just a marker of your location.

It is the first handshake, the first conversation starter with your potential customers.

Let’s explore the common repairs needed for outdoor signage and share some wisdom on how to keep your sign shining as brightly as your business.

Lighting Maintenance

A brightly lit sign is not just inviting—it’s a beacon that draws customers and guides them to your doorstep.

Yet, even the most dependable LED and neon lights can encounter problems such as burnt-out bulbs or unsettling flickering, which can cast a shadow over your message.

Routine electrical maintenance by a specialist, including checking for loose connections, replacing faulty LEDs or neon tubes, and ensuring transformers are functioning efficiently, keeps your sign illuminating the night.

Regular electrical maintenance ensures that your sign remains a vibrant, welcoming presence.

Structural Integrity Issues

Your sign’s structure is constantly battling the elements, making it susceptible to damage from storms or accidents.

Whether it’s reinforcing a shaking post after a severe storm or replacing a sign face that’s cracked during an accident, maintaining structural integrity is vital.

If a storm leaves your monument sign tilting, immediate measures to realign and secure it are crucial, safeguarding against potential dangers and preserving your business’s polished appearance.

Weather Damage

From the scorching sun to freezing temperatures, weather conditions can wreak havoc on your outdoor signage.

Intense sunlight can fade colors after 5 to 10 years, and rain can lead to water damage or rust if there are any small holes or cracks.

Specific professional interventions, such as applying UV-resistant coatings, sealing against moisture, or using materials designed for extreme temperatures, can mitigate these effects.

Addressing hail damage promptly, for instance, involves smoothing out dents and applying fresh paint, revitalizing your sign’s look and extending its durability.

Peeling Paint or Graphics

The aesthetic condition of your sign plays a significant role in attracting customers.

Peeling paint or fading graphics can suggest a lack of care, negatively impacting your business’s image.

Employing high-quality, weather-resistant paints and materials for graphics, and sealing them with protective overlays, can prevent premature wear.

When a sign’s visuals begin to deteriorate, a detailed refurbishment by a professional—not just a touch-up—can rejuvenate your brand’s presence, ensuring it accurately represents the vitality and attention to detail at the heart of your business.


Vandals can strike unexpectedly, leaving your sign defaced and your business’s image tarnished.

Immediate, thorough cleaning, graffiti removal using solvents or paint-over techniques, and replacement of irreparably damaged parts are essential steps to restore your sign’s integrity.

Swift action not only rectifies the physical damage but also demonstrates resilience and pride in your business’s public face, reassuring customers of your dedication to quality and excellence.

Maintenance Requirements by Sign Type

Channel Letter Signs

Channel letter signs demand not just cleaning but a keen eye for detail.

The individual letters, each a character in the story of your brand, require periodic checks to ensure every LED works and every letter shines.

It’s a narrative of precision, ensuring each character plays its part perfectly.

  • When to Schedule Maintenance: Annually is a good rhythm, allowing for the inspection and replacement of LEDs or any weathered components.
  • Expected Lifetime: With diligent care, channel letter signs can narrate your brand’s essence for up to a decade.

Box Signs

Simplicity in box sign design does not equate to simplicity in care.

The enclosed nature of box signs means dust and moisture can accumulate unseen.

Regular inspections and cleaning, both inside and out, prevent the message from being clouded, literally and figuratively.

It’s about clarity—of vision and of message.

  • When to Schedule Maintenance: A check every two years can keep your box signs in prime condition.
  • Expected Lifetime: A well-maintained box sign can effectively communicate your brand’s message for 5 to 7 years.

Monument Signs

The stoic nature of monument signs might suggest a set-and-forget mentality, but even these robust markers benefit from occasional refurbishment.

Monument signs benefit from regular cleaning and inspection for any structural issues, especially after extreme weather conditions.

Take care of these business landmarks.

  • When to Schedule Maintenance: Given their robust construction, a professional maintenance visit every 3 to 5 years is adequate for non-digital components, while digital elements should be checked annually to keep the technology current and the display vibrant.
  • Expected Lifetime: With appropriate care, monument signs can last for decades.

Digital Signs

The high-tech heart of digital signs beats with a rhythm of complexity and capability.

Regular software updates, system checks, and immediate attention to any display issues are critical.

This maintenance ensures not just functionality but evolution, allowing your digital signage to adapt and grow with your business.

  • When to Schedule Maintenance: To keep these signs at the forefront of digital signage technology and operational efficiency, an annual maintenance check is recommended. This allows for software updates, hardware checks, and any necessary repairs to be conducted promptly.
  • Expected Lifetime: Though the rapid pace of technological advancement may influence their lifespan, with proper maintenance, digital signs can effectively communicate your brand’s message and adapt to new trends for years, making them a smart, future-proof investment.

A digital message board , made by HES signs, for a major facility.

Benefits of Proactive Maintenance

Regular check-ups can identify potential issues before they escalate into costly repairs.

This includes everything from tightening loose components to ensuring proper drainage around your sign to prevent water damage.

A routine inspection might reveal loose bolts that, once secured, prevent parts of your sign from becoming dangerous projectiles in the next storm.

With expert care and attention, your outdoor signage will continue to tell your story, attract customers, and embody the essence of your brand for years to come.

It’s a commitment to excellence, a reflection of the pride you take in your business, and a signal to customers that you value their experience from the very first glance.

What to do in a Signage Emergency

Even with the best care, the unexpected can occur.

Maybe a windstorm knocks down one of your channel letters, or hail smashes a hole in your box sign.

The key is not to panic but to have a plan backed by a reliable signage partner.

That’s where we at HES have your back.

Our in-house maintenance and YESCO teams are trained to address your business’s sign and lighting needs, whatever the situation.

This means the right equipment on hand and a fast repair.

They’ll get the job done right and have your sign shining in no time.

Safety Tips

  1. Keep a Safe Distance: If your sign is damaged, especially if there’s electrical or structural damage, keep yourself and others well away from it to avoid any potential injuries.
  2. Secure the Area: Use cones, tape, or barriers to mark off the area around the damaged sign, particularly if there are loose components or any parts at risk of falling.
  3. Turn Off Power: If the sign is illuminated and you can safely access the power source, turn it off to prevent electrical hazards.
  4. Avoid DIY Repairs: It might be tempting to fix minor issues yourself, but handling sign repairs without the proper tools or training can be dangerous. Wait for professionals.
  5. Document the Damage: Take clear photos of the damage from a safe distance. These can be helpful for insurance claims and will give repair technicians a better understanding of the required repairs.
  6. Do Not Remove Parts: Even if parts of the sign seem loose or ready to fall, do not attempt to remove them yourself. This could cause further damage or injury.
  7. Inform Your Staff and Customers: Make sure that everyone who needs to be near your business is aware of the damaged sign and understands to keep a safe distance until repairs are completed.

Partnering with HES Sign: A Relationship Beyond the Sign

At HES Sign, we believe in a partnership that extends far beyond the day your sign lights up.

Our full-service approach encompasses consultation, fabrication, installation, and maintenance.

We stand by our work and your business, ensuring that the sign that marks your presence is as resilient and dynamic as your brand.

Partner with HES today for superior service before and after the sale.

Chad Eyler

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