5 Signs You Need To Rebrand

February 2, 2021

Do you need to rebrand?

Brand signs are everywhere. Whether they turn iconic like in Times Square or become a local part of a local town’s charm, they always leave an impression.

So what impression is your business sign giving?

Make sure it’s one that’s alluring to new customers and a friendly face to your existing ones.

5 Signs Your Business Needs a Rebranding:

1) Hard to Read: If your business signs and/or logos are hard to read from afar, you may want to consider updating to a crisper, more focused logo and font.

2) Confusing: As a business grows, it’s name, signage or messaging often ends up bewildering potential customers rather than clarifying the types of products or services you provide.

3) Shift in Customer Base: Part of staying in business is adapting to new situations or clientele. If the definition of your ideal customer has morphed with the times, so to should your branding efforts.

4) Low Visibility from the Start: If your business branding never truly worked from day one, then tinkering with your branding is a critical move in order to connect to your target market.

5) Reputation is in the Toilet: If your reputation has suffered a major set back and has become a liability, consider rebranding can help improve a tarnished reputation.

With the help of Yesco sign and lighting repair and HES Signs services.

We’re your team for general sign and lighting repair, as well as manufacturing and installation. No matter the job, big or small, just tell us what your sign needs are when you’re through.

Let’s talk about your sign needs. Call us at 302-232-2092 or visit us on the web at HESsign.com


If you are looking to find out how digital signage can help your business, please get in touch with Delaware and the Tristate area’s premier sign company. HES Signs mission is to provide our customers with signs and services of the highest quality and the greatest possible value. We have the sign portfolio to prove it!

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