Why Use LED Signs For Your Business Or Enterprise?

March 2, 2021
A digital message board , made by HES signs, for a major facility.

Outdoor LED Signs Help Businesses Meet the Right People at the Right Time

Outdoor LED Signs are the best method for reaching a potential customer when they are able to act on your message. Whether you are trying to increase traffic to a retail or professional business, inform members of your church or the community, LED Signs get the job done. In fact, they get it done faster, cheaper and better!

Digital LED signs offer optimal exposure that is less costly than any other form of advertising. Regular passing traffic will see your sign’s message several time, giving your LED Sign a better chance of make an impression.

In addition, you have better control over your messaging. This helps you meet your business goals; whether it is to brand your location and make it easier to find, move over-stocked items, offer a special promotion, advertise daily or weekly specials.

5 Reasons to Use Outdoor LED Signs:

1. Bigger Bang for Your Advertising Budget:

There really is no better way to spend advertising dollars than investing in an outdoor LED Sign that are impossible to ignore. According to the Small Business Association (SMB), LED signs can pull in 1000 impressions for less than 25 cents, whereas a newspaper ad could cost over $7 or a radio ad more than $5 per 1000 impressions.

2. Grants You Greater Visibility:

LED lights employ cold light generation technology to convert electrical energy directly into a single bright color. LED Signs offer a high quality brightness and brilliance that is visible outdoors in full daylight. They draw attention indoors and out 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

3. Allows for Better Control of Your Messaging:

LED business signs offer the following elements: animation, color changing, fading, flashing and moving messages. This makes them very powerful in getting any message across. It also is very easy to utilize them to reflect your branding and marketing needs.

4. Greener Technology Equals Energy Savings:

LED lighting uses 85% less energy than any other type of lighting. LED is an acronym for “Light Emitting Diodes” that are way more energy efficient in comparison to incandescent and halogen lights.

5. LED Lights Last Longer Than Any Other Type of Lit Signage:

LED signs have a much longer life span than any other type of lit sign because of the durability of LED lights. Besides saving money on energy, it saves you on maintenance and repairs.

  • LED lighting – 25 to 50 thousand hours
  • Incandescent lighting – 1 thousand hours
  • Halogen lighting – 1 to 5 thousand hours
  • Fluorescent lighting – 8 to 15 thousand hours

Interactive LED signage will help your business connect with customers and reflect well on your brand, creating a long lasting effect. Let the experts at HES Sign help you get ahead of your competition and increase sales.


If you are looking to find out how digital signage can help your business, please get in touch with Delaware and the Tristate area’s premier sign company. HES Signs mission is to provide our customers with signs and services of the highest quality and the greatest possible value. We have the sign portfolio to prove it!

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